
Our Story

RiseBee uses cutting-edge technology and smart marketing methods to transform your healthcare business. We will collaborate with you to create a powerful brand and a comprehensive marketing plan. Our procedure is stress-free, and we will be with you every step of the way to assist you in attracting more clients and increasing sales.

RiseBee started out as an e-commerce platform, but that's just the beginning of our story. Our co-founders, Akshay Chasker and Musadhiq Abdulla, have a personal connection to healthcare and mental health. Both of them have dealt with addiction in the past, and they know firsthand the importance of proper care and treatment.

During their recovery, they traveled and received support from people like you, who helped them get back on track. This experience inspired them to prioritize healthcare and mental health in their professional and personal lives, and they want to do the same for others.

At RiseBee, we believe that healthcare is a top priority, especially in today's culture. We want to make it easier for healthcare professionals to reach out to those who are struggling with health difficulties. Our mission is to provide a platform where people can access the care and support they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. So whether you're a healthcare professional or someone in need of help, RiseBee is here for you. Join us on our journey to create a healthier and happier world.

Personalized digital marketing for healthcare industry


Website Support &
Website Maintenance

Think about an outdated website that doesn’t Meet the needs of your customers. Our goal is To create a functional and attractive website With a “wow” effect. Our team also advises on Content for websites.

Website management and website Maintenance is essential for keeping your Website fresh, appealing and up-to-date. Without consistent and regular website Management and website maintenance, your Website becomes nothing more than a static Brochure which does an injustice to the Growing and dynamic nature of your business.



The website you have is up and running. However, it lacks traffic and does not have a Strong presence online. Our proven SEO Strategies will help you rank higher and Generate more sales.


New Website &
App Design

Custom web design and app design allows Businesses to expand. A carefully crafted Website and mobile app is created with a Purpose and goal in mind. Attract more Customers!


Custom Website Development

We are a custom web development company With the advanced infrastructure to create large-scale projects with the best client Experiences. Quick & easy communication, Collaboration, seamless integrations, and Completely secure development processes are Our strengths in the market.


Project by the Numbers.

Healthcare App Designs

Creating a full range UI/UX apps accross the whole platform.

API Integrations

Software-enabled platforms to completely change the way of UI/UX iterations.

Healthcare Websites

We have strict intentions to completely change the way of eCommerce Website Development 

Website & Mobile App Design 0%
SEO 0%
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We work with the healthcare Industry

Website & Mobile App Design

 We design top-quality mobile apps that will be a sure asset for your business and brand concepts.


The website you have is up and running. However, it lacks traffic and does not have a strong presence online. Our proven SEO strategies will help you rank higher and generate more sales.

Let’s Collaborate

Ready to
work with us?